News about him spread all over Syria, and people brought to him all who were ill with various diseases, those suffering severe pain, the demon-possessed, those having seizures, and the paralyzed, and he healed them.
Matthew 4:24
The COVID-19 pandemic is in its 4th month here in Albuquerque, NM and the daily count of positive cases has sporadically multiplied to about 1000 additions per week. However, many people here in Albuquerque are suffering everyday because of their sin. As a result, the disciples have not stopped spreading the real cure – the gospel, to the real virus – sin. They continue to shelter in place, wake up everyday, meet virtually, and pray for their dream of 50 disciples in the city! As the ABQICC disciples continue to preach the word virtually and persevere, many have heard and some have been saved.
10 Years Till Eternity
Byford & Mille Damon’s wedding on June 19, 2010.
The Damon’s walking into their reception!
Despite the pandemic, time moves forward and on June 19, 2020 Byford Damon & his wife Millie Damon have gracefully reached year 10 in their marriage! Though they could not celebrate at some exotic place, they made the best of it. They were married on June 19, 2010. The following is a post that Byford wrote on his Facebook page. It explains that in order to have a successful marriage, one must practice discipleship.
10 years to eternity! They say 10 yrs is the mark where couples start contemplating divorce. I guess they missed the Mark literally..10:7-9 For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and the two will become one flesh.’ So they are no longer two, but one. Therefore what God has joined together, let man not separate.” My sister [in Christ] and I decided on June 19, 2010 to take our friendship to the next level and decided to build our life together. What was mine became hers and vice versa! To this day what is mine is hers and vice versa! down to our moments and our prize possessions and even our problems- they are our problems so we solve them together like Ecclesiastes 4:11-12, “Also, if two lie down together, they will keep warm. But how can one keep warm alone? Though one may be overpowered, two can defend themselves. A cord of three strands is not quickly broken.” How did we do this? We could only have done it through discipleship and all the help from all our brothers and sisters! Glory to God on the next 10. I love you my love! The world accepts no change after “I do” and expects no change. As disciples, we accept advice (“Jesus is Lord”) and therefore change and expect 10yr, 20yr marriage celebrations!
12 Years Of Wisdom
Byford Damon with family at the Albuquerque Zoo!
One thing I ask of the Lord , this is what I seek: that I may dwell in the house of the Lord all the days of my life, to gaze upon the beauty of the Lord and to seek him in his temple.
Psalm 27:4
Testimony from Byford Damon: “Twelve years later and I am still a disciple. It hasn’t been an easy path unfortunately. Through the love of many brothers that have cared deeply and helped me transform into the media leader I am today, I am able to say that on June 29, 2020 I was able to celebrate 12 years in God’s Kingdom! I have learned so much. Most of all I have learned patience and the power of forgiveness. I learned this because through all my mistakes that I made through the years there was always someone calling me higher by showing me that even I can be forgiven. My wife had the patience for me and even supported my dream of being an audio mastering engineer and then forgave me when I failed to lead our family as a man that supports financially and spiritually. However, after 12 years down, I am starting to learn how to duplicate faith, love, patience and forgiveness onto others. After thoroughly studying out Solomon I have asked God to bestow to me wisdom on dealing with his children, the disciples, and slowly he has revealed it to me. That is the true gift from my Spiritual Birthday that I have gained.”
Finish His Work
“My food,” said Jesus, “is to do the will of him who sent me and to finish his work.”
John 4:34
Jonas rejoices with the disciples after baptism!
Felisha rejoices with the disciples after baptism!
“It’s a bad day for the devil!” are the words that rang from Everardo Esparza. Recently, Everardo and Jennifer were called to move and do God’s work in the Coachella Valley region in California. However, before they left, they wanted one more victory for the Lord! Jonas Jay Palmer and Felisha Griego became your brother and sister in Christ on July 5th 2020!
Then There Were Three
The CNM Bible Talk was sent out at the 2020 Southwest Winter Workshop.
(left to right) Izaac Pacheco, Nate Paiz, and Chris Martin CNM Bible Talk is fruitful right before Chris is sent out!
Since the pandemic set in, the CNM Bible Talk has been moved to having only virtual Bible Talks! This did not stop Chris Martin and Izaac Pacheco, members of the CNM Bible Talk. They both had faith that Nathaniel (Nate), a follower to the Bible Talk, would one day be baptized. The brothers did not give up. They went after Bible studies with Nate and were very patient. They even held off baptism because they believed that Nate had to overcome some challenges. After their patience, prayer and believing that God had a plan for Nate, on July 10th, Nathaniel Vincent-Lewis Paiz became the third baptism of July! Like the Esparza’s, brother Chris Martin also believed that God would grant him one last fruit before the move to Coachella Valley. Because our brother believed and because he persevered and had faith, God answered his faithful request!
Praying For 50 Over The City
The Lord said, “If I find fifty righteous people in the city of Sodom, I will spare the whole place for their sake.”
Genesis 18:26
(left to right) New leader Markus Cameron and Everardo Esparza at Sandia Crest Peak.
(left to right) George Loera and Markus Cameron at Sandia Crest Peak.
The disciples pray over the city with former leaders, the Esparza’s, Markus Cameron and new disciples moving in, George Loera and Juliann Arce.
One of the Esparza’s goals that they had for the ABQICC disciples was to reach 50 members in the church through baptisms, move-ins or restorations by the end of 2020. When the Cameron’s arrived they adopted this dream. So after the baptism of our brother Nate, they all drove up to the crest one last time to once more pray over this dream of 50 for the city! They now have 5 conversions in 2020. Please pray for 26 more additions before the end of the year
Coachella Or Bust
Coachella Valley Mission team. (left to right) Chris Martin, Christina & Sarah Lomeli, Jennifer & Everardo Esparza
The ABQICC disciples praise God together one more time and bid farewell to the Coachella Valley mission team.
(Left to right) George Loera, Juliann Arce, Heather & Markus Cameron. The mission team from California receive their welcoming gifts!
The Cameron’s are welcomed by the Esparza’s.
For this reason I am sending to you Timothy, my son whom I love, who is faithful in the Lord. He will remind you of my way of life in Christ Jesus, which agrees with what I teach everywhere in every church.
1 Corinthians 4:17
On July 12, 2020 the Coachella Valley Mission Team was sent out. Former leaders Everardo Esparza, Jennifer Esparza, Christina Lomeli, Sarah Lomeli, and Chris Martin were sent out to do God’s work in Coachella Valley. Their impact on Albuquerque will always be remembered as the supplemental mission team was sent here in May 2018. Also, as some were leaving, some were moving in and the torch of leadership was transferred to the Cameron’s. Everardo charged the ABQICC disciples to give the same loyalty displayed to them on to the Cameron’s. “I know that the Cameron’s will take this church to greater heights!” “I called Cory and said, ‘Are you sure about this? They have great thing going here'” are the words that Markus Cameron shared as he explained his observation of the group. He was encouraged to see such a loving group of disciples!
Not Good Bye But See You Later
“I thank my God every time I remember you. In all my prayers for all of you, I always pray with joy because of your partnership in the gospel from the first day until now, being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus.” Philippians 1:3-6 NIV
Thank you for a great 2 years!
Married’s Work/Plow Together
Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their work:
Ecclesiastes 4:9
On Monday July 13th the new leaders, the Cameron’s, led a powerful marriage discipling group. They called each married couple to support one another because a great congregation needs a stable married’s ministry. He used an analogy about a farmer and a horse plowing the field. They must work together to get the field plowed. If the horse doesn’t want to work then the farmer takes over. Through the lesson it was revealed that the husband is the horse and the wife is the farmer and both need to work equally at their jobs in order for marriage to be a success.
First Congregational Midweek
Everyone was present at the first congregational midweek!
Wednesday, July 15 was the first congregational midweek with the new leaders. They talked about the plan to reach the city and each disciple was encouraged by the message! Also, despite meeting virtually, there was a perfect attendance!
Brother George’s Charge To Campus
Watch brother George’s powerful lesson “Stand Up O’ Leaders”!
The campus had their first campus devotional and brother George preached an awesome lesson about answering the call to leadership. His lesson was titled “Stand Up O leaders”.
A New Messenger
On July 19, 2020, the new leaders ran their first virtual service! Heather Cameron gave a very real communion and shared her heart about her life before becoming a disciple. She also shared the wonderful experience of being a missionary to not only 1 place, or 2, but to 3 places! Her husband and new Evangelist of the ABQICC, Markus, preached an awesome lesson titled “We’re Family Until The End”. In this lesson he explains that in life we don’t get to choose our physical family, yet we get along with them. So in the kingdom, it should be the same and even better! He really looks forward to building family here in Albuquerque!
New ABQICC Evangelist Markus Cameron preaches his first lesson to the city of Albuquerque!
Markus Cameron Introduces his wife, Heather Cameron before she shares for communion.
A New First For ABQICC
After a powerful sermon on July 19, the new Lead Evangelist, Markus Cameron, held his first leadership meeting for current and aspiring leaders in the church. He shared several leadership values and outlined the structure and purpose for future leadership meetings. Excitingly, Markus also announced that George Loera and Juliann Arce will be on staff full time for the church! This is a first for ABQICC!
George Loera and Juliann Arce, first ABQICC disciples to be full-time along with the leaders!
The disciples sent from LA (left to right) Juliann Arce & George Loera explore the UNM (University of New Mexico) campus.
Campus Is Moving
The disciples continue to study the Bible with people during the stay at home order in Albuquerque. Many of the studies have been virtual through Zoom or Facebook Messenger but a few have been in person, following the guidelines of meeting in groups no larger than 5. Even during this difficult time, hearts are being moved by the scriptures and the love of the disciples.
The Campus brothers have been studying the Bible with a man named Cadeau Mabele.
The campus sisters have been studying the Bible with a woman named Jordan.
Stay Tuned
Join us this Sunday for our Bible Talk showcase! After it is revealed, we will post an update in this section!
2020 World Missions Jubilee
August 7-9, 2020
Friday, August 7th
(Available anywhere in the world at this time)
The Friday Night, Saturday Night and Sunday Morning WMJ Sessions
are pre-recorded, but “family of churches” are encouraged to watch
together at the designated time in their World Sector. Most of the
Saturday Morning Sessions are Live Zoom Sessions and
MUST be watched at the designated time. Each of the
three pre-recorded sessions can be found at or your local church
Facebook Page.
If You need Some Prayer At This Time Don’t Hesitate To Contact Us By Clicking Below!
We Are Always Available For A Virtual Bible Study!
Look out for more “ABQICC Monthly Good News” next
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the worldwide “Good News” by clicking below.
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website to help us keep changing peoples lives here in
Albuquerque NM!