Albuquerque Good News Letter – April, May Edition

They preached the good news in that city and won a large number of disciples. Then they returned to Lystra, Iconium and Antioch, strengthening the disciples and encouraging them to remain true to the faith. “We must go through many hardships to enter the kingdom of God,” they said. 
Acts 2:21-22

As we pick up where we last left off from the March COVID 19 Good News Letter, we see that the disciples are still in an governor advised isolation with social distancing. As pertaining to the scripture shared there was a time before the pandemic that they were scattered through out the city preaching and teaching, and in that time a great amount of souls were converted. However, since the rise and growing cases of COVID – 19 and COVID – 19 deaths, three months after the start of the pandemic the disciples continue to abide to the advised guidelines of no more than five gathered in a group. The disciples began to understand that one can easily fall in to spiritual distancing which would result in them not only distancing from each other but worst of all, from our Father in Heaven. So now they must find preventive and creative ways to encourage and strengthen each other, while maintaining a governor advised protocol of isolation and remain faithful. They continue to share faith to fight the real disease, which is sin! So now we continue with the COVID – 19 Good News Letter. Please read and I hope you are inspired and motivated to get closer to God by the Albuquerque disciples acts of faith!


Coronavirus has 7,689 cases and 356 deaths in New Mexico as of May 31,2020

Resurrection Virtual Sunday

On Sunday April 12, 2020 the Albuquerque church celebrated their 3rd Annual Easter Service! Though the virus had now envelop-ed the city. This did not discourage the disciples will, to put on an awesome virtual Easter service, for this was also the first time since the pandemic that the Albuquerque church would be live feeding a compiled pre-recorded virtual service. All the disciples were full of excitement due to ‘first moments’! One unseen thing was happening and not known to anyone. For due to technical difficulties and other queries. There almost wasn’t a service! I (Byford Damon) explained for there was many difficulties that were surpassed that night and carried through to the next morning. Miraculously, despite the issues, service started right on time with the countdown at exactly 9:45 a.m. as planned. I was ready to call in at 8 a.m. and delay the service up to 3 hours, when at 8:05 a.m. I made the decision on what needed to be done. I had taken it upon myself to learn a new media tool called OBS (Open Broadcaster Software) earlier at 4 a.m. I then had brilliantly derived an idea to render pieces at a time and feed the service manually. It was really close, but I was successful in doing so. Also my confidence and faith was really built that day!

Also that day the Albuquerque church had witnessed their highest attendance of a live stream service for the church had previously been going live on the regular, before pandemic. 1500 plus people were reached and 586 were engaged, which means they watched most if not all of the service. After the service Satan was not done for the entire ‘accomplished service’ was blocked due to a copyright claim. After much wisdom and advice the disciples media team fought the claim and won! Virtual Easter service was a complete success!


The virtual digital invite for our 3rd annual Easter Service!


The Albuquerque Church sees their highest attendance on Facebook live at their first live premiered virtual service!


Watch our virtual Easter Sunday!


Delivery by Chris(t)

Chris Martin like many of the people in America, and the world, was put on leave from his job. This was very misfortunate, for the church was in their Spring Special Missions Contribution season. This did not stop Chris from being an example of Jesus. He immediately got a job delivering groceries around the city for a delivery service known as “Instacart”. Because of his hard work and perseverance he was able to turn in all of his special missions and a little more. He was also featured in the worldwide “Good News Email”  for his faith! Great job Chris Martin – nothing can stop you!


Chris Martin was featured in the worldwide Good New Email!

Smiley Brileys

Another brother found himself without work! Everitt and Reina Briley were devastated for the timing was poor. They were about to be homeless because their lease was almost up and due to the lost of income they were unable to renew with the lease doubling. With that on the table Everitt took his cries to the creator of all. The next morning he woke up and went outside and prayed in all four directions. Shortly after, they found the house of their dreams! Not only did they get the house but Everitt was granted unemployment so now they have a home and they are both going to school for better opportunities! What great faith Everitt & Reina Briley!

Believe me they are Smiling! (front to back) Everitt & Reina Briley!

Disciples Virtually Everywhere!

Let us not give up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but let us encourage one another–and all the more as you see the Day approaching.
Hebrews 10:25 

Since the virus, government restrictions have been put in place, the Albuquerque church has been meeting in Virtual Bible Talks. With this, many of the disciples have had a better chance of studying the Bible with their parents. My wife’s (Millie Damon) mom, has been regularly attending the WOW (Woman of Wisdom) Bible Talk in Phoenix church (PhxICC). Also a young single mother from South Carolina has been tuning in on the regular to the virtual singles Bible talk which is led by Peter Rico and Sarah Lomeli! She has also been studying with the sisters. These are only but a few examples! Please pray for fruit to come out of this; many of the people who are studying are very close to conversion!


Virtual Bile talks are done online or by phone.



They Get Stimulated For God!

In the month of April, President Trump announced that every American would receive a stimulus check of $1200.00 for each adult citizen and $500.00 for each child in the household. As the world viewed this opportunity as another tax return, so did the disciples! After they had sought much advice and wisdom each disciple used part if not all of their stimulus to complete their missions! Prayerfully, the Albuquerque church will reach their missions.
We are still accepting donations so please give if compelled to – God will richly reward you!


Each adult American received $1200.00!


Baptized Beats Vol. 1

Peter Rico was baptized on May 22, 2016 and this year he celebrated his 4th spiritual birthday (spirthday). Before he was a disciple he was into making musical creations. He was part of a band and also did freestyle. For his Spirthday celebration this year he made a mix tape called “Baptized Beats Vol.1” each beat is a combination of famous lo-fi and trap instrumentals, each song portraying his life and struggles while being a disciple. In one song titled “Don’t lose yourself,” he talks about being a man and the struggles he has to overcome.  Also, each song is uniquely titled Baptized Beat #1, #2, and so on. You can listen to his whole mix tape on his YouTube page. Please go there and take a listen and also help him reach his missions goal. We are looking out for more musical projects, Peter Rico!

Listen and Download “Baptized Beats Vol.1” on Peter Rico’s YouTube page


Peter Rico’s mix tape album cover “Baptized Beats Vol. 1”


Congratulations class of 2020!

Here is a trustworthy saying: If anyone sets his heart on being an overseer, he desires a noble task.
1 Timothy 3:1

Each qualified graduate was virtually presented a certificate from the church to recognize their achievements while being a disciple!

Congratulations to all of our graduates!
Bella E. Briley graduated from Preschool and will be starting Kindergarten in the fall.
Byford (BJ) S. Damon, Jr. graduated from Kindergarten and will be going on to first grade in the fall.
Felisha M. Griego graduated from Albuquerque High School and wants to pursue a career in caregiving.
Hunter A. Gallegos graduated from Sandia High School and plans to work with a security company.
Ivan M. Soto graduated from the University of New Mexico with a B.A. in Education and Communication
Tara K. Hunter graduated from the University of New Mexico law school and now has Masters degree.
<look out for video>

Each graduate will receive a certificate!

Special Missions Kept Special

A follow up to one of our inserts from the last Good News Letter “Special Missions On Schedule”: Even though the pandemic has caused most people in the world to be tight fisted, it has urged the Albuquerque disciples to let go and let God! The disciples were determined to blow out their special missions contribution goal of $17,440.00. On May 31, 2020, they faithfully turned in a total amount of $20,992.98! This is the most they had raised as a church and even with a pandemic! Great job Macedonian givers!


In God we trust motto on one hundred-dollar banknote closeup finance and economy

The command is clear on the U.S. currency!


Birthdays Spirthdays For This Month!

April 1st- Sarah Lomeli 5th Spirthday 

April 6th Jade Koll 1st Spirthday 

April 15th Ivan Soto birthday 

April 17th Chris Martin 4th Spirthday 

April 19th Jen Esparza 6th Spirthday 

April 27th Tina Lomeli 5th Spirthday 

May 2nd Elias Esparza 1st Birthday 

May 14th Everardo Esparza Birthday 

May 19th Rhaequell Shorty Birthday

May 20th Kionna Russell Birthday

May 22nd Peter Rico 4th Spirthday 

May 23rd Millie Damon Birthday 

May 27th Tara Hunter & Byford Damon Birthday 


Currently, New Mexico is at a count of 7,689 positive cases of COVID – 19 and 356 COVID – 19 deaths. The good news is that many have recovered and the curve is showing promise! We are still no longer able to meet with a group of more than 5 people, and we have to wear a mask everywhere.
Fortunately, we are continuing to study the Bible with people in person or virtually from all over the city! Pray for us to have some conversions coming up soon!

Stay tuned for more COVID – 19 Good news!


Here at Good News Letter headquarters we believe in good news however, we believe in awareness too!

We ask that you pray for the the family of George Floyd and other families that have lost a loved one! We pray for justice and equality!

Now all has been heard; here is the conclusion of the matter: Fear God and keep his commandments, for this is the duty of all mankind. 
Ecclesiastes 12:13


If You need Some Prayer At This Time Don’t Hesitate To Contact Us By Clicking Below!

We Are Always Available For A Virtual Bible Study!

Look out for more “ABQICC Monthly Good News” next


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the worldwide “Good News” by clicking below.



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Albuquerque NM!